General Provisions of the Contest of
Samdech Techo Prime Minister Tourism Eco-Business Awards
Now the whole world is facing a constantly evolving new series of disasters occurred, including global warming, polar ice melting, Tsunami, floods and storms. In respond to the challenges, the Samdech Techo Prime Minister Tourism Eco-Business Awards is created to encourage and inspire Eco-businesses in Cambodia to follow the Green and Clean Development Model, which is the most suitable and wise choice at present through ensuring the sustainability and balance in economic, environmental, social and cultural terms.
1). Objectives
The Tourism Eco-Business Awards is an initiative for promoting Eco-Businesses and Tourism Service Quality in Cambodia to be better and contributing to the sustainable development and serving the common interests through taking into account the environmental, social and cultural sustainability to be aimed at supporting the contest movement of “Clean Resort, Good Service, Best Hospitality” and the tourism promotional campaign “Cambodia: Kingdom of Wonder”.
2). Types of enterprises or individuals being able to join the contest, including:
1. Hotels 2. Restaurants 3. Resorts
4. Tourism Communities 5. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Selling Souvenirs
6. Shopping Centers 7. Young Entrepreneurs or Investors
3). Types of awards
The standard is consist of 06 types of awards which the enterprises or individuals can apply for voluntary participation for either any award or many awards by specifying for which type of awards will be applied by the companies’ decision. There are06 types of awards including:
4). Mechanism for putting the contest into operation
The institutional mechanism for putting the contest into operation requires the First Party (Public Institution) to make an assessment on the accuracy in line with the conditions and reality of each candidate. In this regard, the Ministry of Tourism and the National Committee for Clean City Assessment will play a role as the public institution. However, in order to carry out this work in a highly effective manner, it requires the Second Party (Independent Institution)for providing consultation and advice and building up abilities of enterprises in order to win the award.
The enterprises and individuals can apply for voluntary participation for either any type of awards or various types of awards. The Certificate of Trophy and Label that is valid for 02 years will be given to the outstanding enterprises and individuals which have capability and possibility to fulfill the required criteria.
5). Procedures for the contest
All the enterprises or individuals doing businesses in tourism sector and supporting sectors can participate in the contest of Samdech Techo Prime Minister Tourism Eco-Business Awards through fulfilling the following phases:
Phase 1: the candidates have to fill out and submit their applications with relevant documents attached to the Ministry of Tourism at every working hours. The candidates can search for independent institutions specializing in providing consultation and techniques on the filling of applications, preparation of relevant documents, strengthening of qualification to win the award. The application forms and relevant documents shall be defined by Prakas of the Ministry of Tourism.
Phase 2: The Ministry of Tourism shall notify the date of preliminary assessment. Any application submitted after this date shall be kept to evaluate for the next year’s contest.
Phase 3: The Ministry of Tourism shall have sixty (60) days to make a preliminary review and assessment on the applications and relevant documents of the candidates who submitted their applications before the date of commencement of the preliminary assessment.
Phase 4: The Ministry of Tourism shall inform of the results of the preliminary assessment and assign a working group to directly visit and evaluate the location of the candidates who have passed the preliminary assessment within sixty (60) days from the date of notification.
Phase 5: The Ministry shall issue a final assessment report and announce the Tourism Eco-Business Award winners within thirty (30) days from the date of completion of the site evaluation.
Phase 6: The Ministry of Tourism will organize the awards conferring ceremony for the Tourism Eco-Business Award winners every year.